Monday, December 15, 2008

Iowa DTV Symposium

Iowa Public Television hosts the nationally-recognized, premier event that attracts production, management, technical, creative and education professionals from across the country.

The 2008 event was held October 7-9 in Des Moines. The agenda, papers and presentations are viewable by logging in to the link below.

The presentation "What it Might be Like to Work in a File Based World" discussed the topic of file based systems architectures, planning, quality control and workflow changes.

When you can no longer ‘see’ the content, touch the media and must depend upon new forms of instruments to tell you if the images, sound and metadata will be what you expected - - you’ve officially evolved into the world of file based workflows. What will might take to navigate this new environment and what is on the horizon to assist the operator in this new digital media age will be explored by AZCAR’s Chief Technology Officer, Karl Paulsen.

Many of the presentations (including their MP3 downloads) are worth looking at.